Friday, September 16, 2011

Pinterest LOVE!!

So if you haven't discovered Pinterest yet, let me tell you - YOU ARE SO MISSING OUT!! There is a million ideas, recipes, pictures, etc for you discover and "pin". I have so many ideas of things to make! Hopefully I will do a little better at updated my blog!! Along with my pinterest obsession, I have made a ton of bows lately!! I don't have pictures of all them, sometimes I forget! But I have several new styles! I so like the idea of "upcycling" to make all kinds of things! I have made bows, bracelets, and headbands from clothes that were headed to goodwill! I love to make my own jewelry and there are so many great tutorials out there! Ok here are all the pictures... hope you enjoy!!

Paci clip for Emme

Ribbon flowers

My precious niece Reagan at 3 months sporting one of bows!
(Picture taken by Kristi McKnight Photography)
Pinwheel bows

Large pinwheel bow

2 layer bow (one boutique and 1 pinwheel) with loops

Pink heart pinwheel bow

Jersey rosette bracelets (made from tshirts)
2 different rosette styles (Gray one is chunkier than the white one!)

I have a few more crafts in the works so be looking for another post soon!! Thanks to all of my 4 followers! Whoo-hoo!! :-) Have a great day!

Love -

PS If you want to get on pinterest, send me an email and I will invite you!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New bows

I have recently discovered all the fun things you can make out of felt!! I made halloween bags for the kiddos (see here) which I thought were super cute and really fun to make! I started making these really cute flowers for Kate and she loves to wear them!

I also made this super cute bow (well its not really a bow, not sure what you call it! But Kate also loves it because it personalized for her!) Sorry for the blurry pic - my camera doesnt take good pictures of white things!

I also made one for Baby Reagan - hers is my favorite so far!!

I attached an itty bitty baby clip that will hold even the littlest bit of hair!

Here are a couple more bows and flowers I made for Reagan.

I also made her a paci clip with her name on it.

Until next time -


More Baby gifts

So I am pretty behind on my posts... again!! So this one will probably be a long so hang tight!!! I have been crafting up a storm and it is definitely my new favorite hobby!!! I made another taggie/paci clip set for a friend and I think it came out adorable!! Of course I am partial to anything monkey as I have one little crazy monkey at my house!! :-)

This taggie is made from light flannel and minky brown fabric on the back side.

Paci clips with removable name ring so there's never any confusion who it belongs to!!

I have a new niece scheduled to make her appearance into this world anyday now!! I made a bunch of bows for her (another post coming soon!) but she needed a bow holder to hold all those cute hair accessories!! I got the idea from this blog, but changed it up quite a bit to fit Reagan's room! I used fabric and removed the glass from the frame. I used 2 different widths of ribbon to accommodate those little bitty newborn bows. I think it turned out super cute and I will definitely be making one for Kate's room!

Until next time -


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Baby Gifts

I love making baby gifts! I don't think there is anything else I like to create more! I have made the cutest sports themed taggies and paci clips for twin boys. Love them!! Kate and Graham just loved their taggies when they were little! Here is the end result -

Soft sports fleece with brown minky on one and one with blue minky on the back

 I can make these cute taggies in any combination of fabrics and ribbons. They are $15 each and paci clips are $5 each or $7 with personalization. I can do a special taggie/paci combo for $20 (free personalization). Let me know if you need a special handmade gift!


A new year - controlling our chaos!

So I have been pretty behind on all my crafting! The holidays kept our family very busy! I have several crafts to post so stayed tuned!! SO I am not one for new year's resolutions because I am one of those people who has already reverted back by my birthday (Jan 14th). But this year, I am determined to be more organized in order for our house to run more smoothly! I am doing just a little at time, it will probably take me several months to get my whole house under control!! So I am starting in Kate's room, trying to create a home for all her stuff! If everything has a home, then the easier it is for Kate to keep it picked up. Her hair stuff has taken over!! As one who loves to accessorize the girl has a bunch!! I have a cute bow holder that I made awhile back for her bows but I couldn't figure out what to with her headbands. I looked at several ideas on the internet and this was my favorite (and the cheapest!!) I took an oatmeal can and covered it with cute scrapbook paper and voila! Organized!!! I think it came out pretty darn cute!

I bet most of you have this in your pantry!!

Cute paper to match Kate's room

And immediately organized! And this cost me all of $1.00 for the scrapbook paper. Easy to see what headbands she has and Kate can even get her own and put them away herself! (Of course we have several more headbands so she will have 2 or 3 of these!)

Until next time -

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trick or treat!!

My sewing machine has been in overdrive the last week! I have a been sewing and crafting like crazy!! I love to create and I am always so excited to see the finished product. I made Kate and Graham personalized trick or treat bags this year. I really wanted some from Pottery Barn Kids but I waited to long and they were sold out! But I am actually glad because I think the ones I made are so much cuter and they will go with any costume which will definitely save me money in the long run!! I have never made a bag before but I thought I would wing it. I ended up making 2 for Kate because the first one, I sewed it in the wrong order.... whoops! Here's what I came up with -

Up next taggie blankets... I love to make those!!!

Until next time - Kelly

Monday, October 18, 2010

Couponing 101

At our last MOPS meeting, we learned all about couponing and saving money! It has been SO cool to see how much (or how little) I can get our groceries for! So far my best deal was probably $20 worth of groceries and toiletries at CVS for $2! I LOVE getting a good deal! And it saves our family a ton of money! If you are interested check out this blog The Frugal Life. Tons of great info and it helped me get into the swing of things and really understanding how to save so much money! Since I started clipping coupons, they have taken over my kitchen! I didn't have anything to organize them in, and was just using an envelope for each store we were shopping at. Well even while saving money, I insist on being fashionable! : ) So I decided to make a coupon organizer! I picked out some super cute fabric and I must say, I love the way it came out!

Its small enough to stick in my purse but long enough to hold those long internet printable coupons! If you are interested in a coupon organizer, let me know!

Until next time-
